
Bibliography on Evolutionary Anthropology, Biology and History

544 references | 138 PDF | 12 PDF for download
pages: 146 47 48 49 50 51 5255
  • Vollmer, G.: Evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie. Angeborene Erkenntnisstrukturen im Kontext von Biologie, Psychologie, Linguistik, Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie (Stuttgart: Hirzel Verlag, 1980, 1983).
  • Vollmer, Gerhard (2017): Im Lichte der Evolution : Darwin in Wissenschaft und Philosophie, Stuttgart : S. Hirzel Verlag.
  • Von Hippel, A.: Human Evolutionary Biology (Anchorage: Stone Age Press, 1994).
  • Waage J.K. (1997): Parental investment - Minding the kids or keeping control? Pp. 527-553 in: Gowaty P.A. (Hrsg.): Feminism and evolutionary biology. Chapman &Half, New York
  • Walker, R., and K. Hill. 2003. Modeling growth and senescence in physical performance among the Ache of Eastern Paraguay. American Journal of Human Biology 15: 196-208.
  • Walker, R., M. Gurven, K. Hill, A. Migliano, N. Chagnon, R. De Souza, G. Djurovic, R. Hames, A. M. Hurtado, H. Kaplan, K. Kramer, W. J. Oliver, C. Valeggia, and T. Yamauchi. 2006. Growth rates and life histories in 22 small-scale societies. American Journal of Human Biology 18: 295-311.
  • Wallin, N.L.: Biomusicology: Neurophysiological, Neuropsychological, and Evolutionary Perspectives on the Origins and Purposes of Music (Pendragon Press, 1992).
  • Walsh, K., Ein neues Bild der Frau im Mittelalter? Weibliche Biologie und Sexualität, Geistigkeit und Religiosität in West- und Mitteleuropa. Ist-Stand und Desiderata der Frauenforschung, in: InnsbruckHistForsch 12/13 (1990) 395-580.
  • Walter H. (1978): Sexual- und Entwicklungsbiologie des Menschen. Thieme, Stuttgart
  • Walter, Nora Tabea (2014): Die biologischen Grundlagen menschlichen Sozialverhaltens: die Neurobiologie der Empathie und des prosozialen Verhaltens und Evidenz einer molekulargenetischen Grundlage, Hamburg (Schriften zur Sozialpsychologie, Band 31).
  • pages: 146 47 48 49 50 51 5255

    Zotero Group Evolutionary History / Evolutionäre Geschichtswissenschaft

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    Hunt, L. (2014). The Self and Its HistoryThe Self and Its History. The American Historical Review, 119(5), 1576–1586.
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    Leefmann, J., & Hildt, E. (2017). Introduction. In J. Leefmann & E. Hildt (Eds.), The Human Sciences after the Decade of the Brain (pp. xi–xix). San Diego: Academic Press.
    Love, M. W. (2019). The Emergence of Premodern States: New Perspectives on the Development of Complex Societies. JEREMY A. SABLOFF and PAULA L. W. SABLOFF, editors. 2018. SFI Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico. iv + 369 pages. $26.95 (cloth). ISBN 978-1-947864-12-2. Latin American Antiquity, 30(2), 450–451.
    Macleod, N. (2014). Historical Inquiry as a Distributed, Nomothetic, Evolutionary Discipline. The American Historical Review, 119(5), 1608–1620.
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    Nichols, R. (2016). The Natural History of Shame and its Modification by Confucian Culture. In The Blackwell Companion to Naturalism (pp. 512–527). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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    Roth, R. (2014). Emotions, Facultative Adaptation, and the History of HomicideEmotions, Facultative Adaptation, and the History of Homicide. The American Historical Review, 119(5), 1529–1546.
    Russell, E. (2014). Coevolutionary History. The American Historical Review, 119(5), 1514–1528.
    Scheidel, W. (2014). Evolutionary Psychology and the HistorianEvolutionary Psychology and the Historian. The American Historical Review, 119(5), 1563–1575.
    Stadler, M. (2014). Neurohistory Is Bunk?: The Not-So-Deep History of the Postclassical Mind. Isis, 105(1), 133–144.
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    Wadley, G. (2016). How psychoactive drugs shape human culture: A multi-disciplinary perspective. Brain Research Bulletin, 126, 138–151.
    Wettlaufer, J. (2015). Evolutionäre Geschichtswissenschaft. Menschliches Handeln zwischen Natur und Kultur in der Vergangenheit. In Die menschliche Psyche zwischen Natur und Kultur (pp. 83–93). Pabst Publishers. Retrieved from
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